TV-Anytime Forum's Call for Contributions | ||
In order to achieve rapid progress, the TV-Anytime Forum has decided to work on the basis of issuing Calls For Contributions (CFC). The TV-Anytime Forum is working on the items covered by the CFC immediately, rather than waiting for a response to a CFP by a certain deadline. Furthermore, this CFC is issued on the basis of a preliminary view of the requirements that need to be addressed, whilst seeking views on any necessary additional requirements. This CFC also seeks appropriate technologies to satisfy these requirements. Whilst the CFC for both requirements and technologies is being issued at the same time, the deadline for responses to the request for technologies for the tools mentioned below is typically 3-4 months later than that for requirements. This allows time for technology inputs to take account of the full range of requirements according to received contributions. The participation of all interested parties is invited. The second Call for Contributions (CFC) - issued by the TV Anytime Forum as part of its charter to develop specifications for audio-visual and other services based on high volume digital storage in consumer platforms - has been published following the 16th meeting in Awajii (Japan) in March 2002. In this "CFC on TV-Anytime Phase Two: New Content Types, Targeting & Redistribution", the TV Anytime Forum has identified three distinct areas that form the first part of its Phase Two work. Each of these areas will have implications for Metadata, Content Referencing and Rights Management for which the TVAF Phase One Specifications are completed or nearing completion. The Forum plans to publish its Phase Two Specifications starting in late 2002 (see Phase 2 Workplan). The TV-Anytime Forum issued two Calls for Contributions in September 2000 at the 8th meeting held in Marina del Rey (Los Angeles), California. One call was for contributions on technologies for segmenting of programmes to allow non-linear viewing of content (TV058). The other was asking for submissions on how to perform location resolution using bi-directional networks (TV059). Please refer to TV007r3 for details on how to submit contributions. The TV-Anytime Forum issued its first Call for Contributions in December 1999. This comprehensive document set out the scope of the work of the Forum and calls for contributions both in the form of requirements and technologies to meet them. |